Lima, Tuesday 22 de October del 2024
Book: Assault on Banco Nuevo Mundo
The truth about the persecution of the Levy Family
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On July 20th, 2010, French and American citizen Renée Levy de Levi, invoked the Peru-France Investment Treaty before the International Center for the Settlement of Investment-Related Disputes (ICSID) to file a complaint against the state of Peru for the illegal intervention and subsequent closing of Banco Nuevo Mundo (New World Bank, BNM for its Spanish acronym). The demand was lodged for “2 billion dollars or the amount decided by the court.”

On June 24th, 2011, that French citizen invoked also before ICSID the Peru-France First Investment Treaty to lodge a new complaint against the Peruvian state for the seizing of real estate property in Chorrillos, a Lima suburb. The demand was lodged for the amount of “2.5 billion dollars or the amount decided by the court.”

These contingencies are the result of the doings of irresponsible politicians and government officials who should stand trial before God and the Nation. The people do not elect governments every five years for them to abuse their position of authority, disregard the rule of law or infringe the nation’s constitution.

Because everything that is narrated here seems so unlikely, almost impossible to believe, we link all these arguments to explicit proof for our arguments shown on the website. Nothing needs to be presumed because these extremely serious facts talk for themselves. This is the proof and you can see for yourself.

This book uncovers the weakness of the state’s institutions whose role is to ensure the law is enforced, and it also shows how those same institutions systematically disregard their responsibilities.